Tuesday, March 18, 2008

United States Department of Defense - Arrow missile

The Arrow "Interceptor" ABM is a theater missile defense (TMD) system; it is the first missile developed by Israel that was specifically designed and built to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles on a national level. The Arrow intercepts its targets high in the stratosphere (some systems, such as RIM-161, are intended to intercept in outer space; others, such as PAC-3, are designed to meet their targets in lower atmosphere). Lockheed Martin's THAAD also intercepts ballistic missiles in the high stratosphere, but also has the capability to intercept targets in outer space.


The Arrow project got underway after the U.S. and Israel agreed to co-fund it on May 6, 1986.. The Arrow ABM system was designed and constructed in Israel with financial support by the United States in a multi-billion dollar development program (said to be $2 billion USD to date). The Israeli Ministry of Defence runs the Arrow development project under the name "Minhelet Homa", which binds together Israel's different security industries (such as Israel Military Industries, Tadiran, Israel Aerospace Industries, etc.). The system was first developed in the late 1980s.

On July 29, 2004 Israel and the United States carried out joint experiment in the USA, in which the Arrow was launched against a real Scud missile. The experiment was a success, as the Arrow destroyed the Scud with a direct hit. In December 2005 the system was successfully deployed in a test against a replicated Scud C as Shahab-3 missile. This feat was repeated on February 11, 2007.

Following the July 2004 trial the Israeli Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz said "this is a central plank of Israel's defense ability. The success of the test is further proof of the technological superiority of the Israeli Defense Industries".


The ABM system is meant to intercept medium- and short-range ballistic missiles and was designed with an eye towards the advanced missile programs of Iraq and Iran. The system is built around the Arrow missiles, the "Yellow Citron" (Citron Tree) control system and the IAI EL/M-2080 "Green Pine" radar target tracking system. In actual use, the system would be aided by American Defense Support Program satellites that can detect and report the flare as missiles are launched. The first operational system was deployed in central Israel, at the Palmachim Airbase on the Mediterranean coast, on March 14, 2000. The latest missile is known as the Arrow II and is still being evaluated for improvement.

The Arrow system is controlled by an officer who can evaluate the trajectory and decide if one of the advanced Arrow missiles should be launched. There are 6 missile tubes in each launcher and each can be launched to a separate target. Confirmation of this and other abilities was demonstrated in a recent test—the 10th for the Arrow interceptor and the 5th for the complete system—as 4 of 6 missiles were launched at virtual targets during joint U.S.-Israeli exercises.

The Arrow 2 interceptor itself has a speed of more than 3 km/s; as opposed to purely kinetic weapons it has its own explosive warhead allowing it to miss by 40–50 meters and still kill.[citation needed]


A first Operational Battery was Deployed in October 2000.[1] at Palmahim IAF base. After many delays that included a legal confrontation between local residents of the planned second battery location, who fear possible radiation hazards from the powerful Green Pine radar system, and the IDF, the situation was resolved and the battery was deployed near Hadera on October 2002. A third Battery was recently deployed at Palmahim in 2007.


Israel is in negotiations with India to sell the system to them, but US arms control has blocked the sale of the actual missiles, though the Green Pine radar system has already apparently been sold to India and installed.

Talks regarding the sale of Israeli Ofeq satellites along with the Arrow air-defence systems to Turkey have taken place, a sale pending United States approval. The systems would be a generational leap for the Turkish military and intelligence capabilities, which are concerned with Iran's nuclear program.

There have also been talks of using the Arrow as part of a multi-tier ABM system by the US.

On Jan 31, 2007 it was published that the South Korean government will purchase 36 Arrow 2 missiles and 6 Green Pine radars.

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