Sunday, March 23, 2008

United States Department of Defense - HH-60 Pave Hawk

The Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk is a combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter derivative of the Sikorsky S-70 family. The HH-60's primary function is to conduct day or night combat search and rescue operations into hostile environments to recover downed aircrew or other isolated personnel during war. Because of its versatility, the HH-60G may also perform peace-time operations. Such tasks include civil search and rescue, emergency aeromedical evacuation (MEDEVAC), disaster relief, international aid, counter-drug activities and NASA space shuttle support.

The Pave Hawk is a highly-modified version of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, manufactured by United Technologies's Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation and first deployed in 1982. It features an upgraded communications and navigation suite that includes an integrated inertial navigation/global positioning/Doppler navigation systems, satellite communications, secure voice, and Have Quick communications.

All HH-60Gs have an automatic flight control system, night vision goggles lighting and forward looking infrared system that greatly enhances night low-level operations. Additionally, some Pave Hawks have color weather radar and an engine/rotor blade anti-ice system that gives the HH-60G an all-weather capability.

Pave Hawk mission equipment includes a retractable in-flight refueling probe, internal auxiliary fuel tanks, two crew-served (or pilot-controlled) 7.62 mm miniguns or .50 caliber machine guns and an 8,000 pound (3,600 kg) capacity cargo hook. To improve air transportability and shipboard operations, all HH-60Gs have folding rotor blades.

Pave Hawk combat enhancements include a radar warning receiver, infrared jammer and a flare/chaff countermeasure dispensing system.

HH-60G rescue equipment includes a hoist capable of lifting a 600 pound (270 kg) load from a hover height of 200 feet (60 m), and a personnel locating system that is compatible with the PRC-112 survival radio and provides range and bearing information to a survivor's location.

A limited number of Pave Hawks are equipped with an over-the-horizon tactical data receiver that is capable of receiving near real-time mission update information.


* HH-60A: Prototype for the HH-60D rescue helicopter.
* HH-60D: Prototype of early search and rescue variant for the US Air Force.
* HH-60E: Proposed search and rescue variant for the US Air Force
* HH-60G Pave Hawk: Search and rescue helicopter for the US Air Force.
* MH-60G Pave Hawk: Special Operations, search and rescue model for the U.S. Air Force.
* Maplehawk: Proposed search and rescue version for Canada.

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