Tuesday, March 18, 2008

United States Department of Defense - National Reconnaissance Office , Organization


The NRO is part of the Department of Defense. The Director of the NRO is appointed by the Secretary of Defense with the consent of the Director of National Intelligence, without confirmation from Congress. Traditionally, the position was given to either the Undersecretary of the Air Force or the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space, but with the appointment of Donald Kerr as Director of the NRO in July 2005 the position is now independent.

The NRO is staffed by personnel from the CIA, NSA, the military services, and civilian defense contractors.

The Agency has the following directorates:- SIGINT Systems; Communications Systems; IMINT systems; and Advanced Systems and Technology.[8] (SIGINT=signals intelligence; IMINT=imagery intelligence.)

Strategic War Gaming Division

According to a pamphlet advertising a security conference in 2002, the NRO has a "Strategic Wargaming Division", then headed by John Fulton, who was "on staff for the CIA".[9]

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