Friday, March 21, 2008

United States Department of Defense -

The M109 is an American-made self-propelled 155 mm howitzer, first introduced in the early 1960s. It has been continually upgraded and improved to today's current version, the M109A6 "Paladin" which is only used by the US Army. The US still maintains a number of M109A5's in its forces. The M109 family is the most prevalent western indirect-fire support weapon of maneuver brigades of armored and mechanized infantry divisions.

The British Army replaced its M109s with the AS-90. Several European armies have or are currently replacing older M109s with the German PzH2000 which significantly outperforms it in many aspects. Significant upgrades to the M109 have been introduced by the US (see variants below) and Switzerland (KAWEST). With the cancellation of the Crusader Program in the US, the Paladin will remain the principal self-propelled howitzer of the United States for a few more years, until the NLOS-C from the U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems program comes online in 2008-2010.

The crew of the M109 consists of a section chief, driver, three gunners who prepare the ammunition, load, and fire the weapon, and two gunners who aim the cannon. The gunner aims the cannon left or right (deflection), the assistant gunner aims the cannon up and down (quadrant). The M109A6 Paladin needs only one gunner and two ammunition handlers for a total crew of six..

M109 enters South Vietnam.
M109 enters South Vietnam.

First produced in 1963, with 155 mm M126/A1 gun in the M127 Howitzer Mount, 28 rounds of 155 mm were carried. Also armed with a .50cal M2HB machine gun mounted, and 500 rounds of .50cal ammunition.


Replaced M126 with longer barreled M126A1 gun for greater effective range. Same M127 mount and ammunition amounts carried. A more recent model, intended for export incorporated more recent improvements into a new production M109A1. These vehicles were designated M109A1B.


Incorporated 27 Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) mid-life improvements. Most notably, the long barreled 155 mm M185 cannon in the M178 gun mount, ballistic protection for the panoramic telescope, counterbalanced travel lock, and the ability to mount the M140 alignment device. Stowage increased from 28 rounds of 155 mm, to 36 rounds, .50cal ammunition amount remain 500 rounds.


M109A1s and M109A1Bs rebuilt to M109A2 standard respectively. Some A3s feature three contact arm assemblies while all A2s have five.


M109A2s and M109A3s improved with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical / Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (NBC/RAM) improvements, including air purifiers, heaters, and Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) gear.

The traversing mechanism's clutch is now hydraulic, as compared to the electric mechanism on previous M109s, and features a manual override in the event of an electrical failure. The A4 also adds an additional hydraulic filter, for a total of two. Also included, is an improvement to the engine starting equipment, greatly improving the ability to start in an emergency.

Ammunition amounts remain the same as two previous models.


Replaces M185 cannon in M178 mount with 155 mm M284 cannon in the M182 mount, giving the A5 even greater range than before.

M109A6 "Paladin"
M109A6 "Paladin" firing at night
M109A6 "Paladin" firing at night

Overall product improvement in the areas of Survivability, RAM, and armament. This includes increased armor, redesigned (safer) internal stowage arrangement for ammunition and equipment, engine and suspension upgrades, and product improvement of the M284 cannon and M182A1 mount. The greatest difference is the integration of an inertial navigation system, sensors detecting the weapons' lay, automation, and an encrypted digital communication system which utilizes computer controlled frequency hopping to avoid enemy electronic warfare and allow the howitzer to send grid location and altitude to the battery fire direction center (FDC). The battery FDCs in turn coordinate fires through a battalion or higher FDC. This allows the Paladin to halt from the move and fire within 30 seconds with accuracy equivalent to the previous models when properly emplaced, laid, and safed--A process that required several minutes under the best of circumstances. Tactically, this improves the systems survivability by allowing the Battery to operate dispersed by pairs across the countryside and allowing the howitzer to quickly displace between salvos, or if attacked by indirect fire, aircraft, or ground forces.

On an operational level this weapons represents a dramatic improvement in the performance of field artillery. This improvement in performance is perhaps as great as that represented by the first self propelled artillery over the preceding towed artillery. This is because the howitzers no longer need to occupy fixed firing positions but may now move with the advancing combat forces. They need stop only when a target for their fires is identified. They will fire on that target and then resume their movement.

Ammunition stowage is increased from 36 rounds of 155 mm, to 39 rounds, .50cal ammunition amounts remain the same.

The M109A6-PIM is the latest upgrade and is fitted with some components of the canceled Crusader.

* M109A6 Paladin


Swiss improved version produced by Ruag incorporating a new Swiss designed L47 155 mm Gun, inertial navigation system coupled with a new fire control system and more ammunition storage. Crew is reduced from 8 to 6. Crews are trained to fire a burst of three rounds in 15 seconds. Technical modifications: Fire Power Increased firing range of up to 36 km, increased rate of fire (burst of 3 rounds in 15 sec.), increased ammunition autonomy ( 40 rounds, 64 charges). Reliability increased by: New electrical system (better than Mil STD 1245A, higher operational readiness, increased mean time between failures (MTBF), fault finding diagnostics with test equipment. Survivability increased by: Integrated inertial navigation and positioning system, increased mobility (gears, engine), day and night operations capabilities, effective fire suppression system installed, NEMP and EMP protection Camouflage: paint and netting. Upgraded Swiss PzHb (Panzerhaubitze) 79 and 88 (M109A1) are known as respectively PzHb 79/95 and PzHb 88/95.


The Field Artillery Ammunition Supply Vehicle (FAASV) is built on the chassis of the M109-series. It replaces the M548 supply vehicle. Unlike the M548 it is armored. This ammunition vehicle has no turret and a taller superstructure to store 93 rounds and an equivalent number of powders and primers. There is a maximum of 90 conventional rounds, 45 each in two racks, and 3 M712 Copperhead rounds. Much of the remaining internal crew space is taken up by a hydraulically powered conveyor system designed to allow the quick uploading of rounds or transfer of rounds to the M109-series howitzer. Most early models had an additional mechanism called an X-Y Conveyor to lift the rounds into the honeycomb-like storage racks in the front of the superstructure. A ceiling plate above the two racks can be unbolted and opened to allow the racks to be winched out of the vehicle. This vehicle is fitted with a Halon fire suppression system and a weapons mount similar to that on the M109 turret, usually mounting a Mk 19 40 mm grenade machinegun for local defense against infantry and light armored vehicles. The latest models have a mounting point for two secure radios.

The vehicle also contains a 2-stroke diesel powered auxiliary power unit (APU) that can power all non-automotive energy requirements on the FAASV and on the howitzer when a slave cable is used to connect the two. This reduces fuel consumption when mobility is not required.

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